I am using offline scanning to deploy windows patching, what may be the reasons to resolve the issue for Error description: The file digest did not match the expected value?
This error might occur in the following scenarios:
Incomplete patch download
System issues
1. Incomplete patch download
The patch might have been downloaded incompletely, or a network error might have occurred during the download, resulting in an incomplete patch on the system. This can be resolved by redownloading the patch.
2. System issues
According to Microsoft articles, this error could be due to a corrupted Windows Update folder on the affected machine. Follow the steps below on the affected machine and then redeploy the update to check if the issue is resolved:
Stop the Windows Update service.
Navigate to the SoftwareDistribution directory(cd %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution).
Rename the Download folder.
Restart the Windows Update service.
For further reference, visit: Redirecting.
If all the above steps are followed and the issue is still not resolved, you may reach out to the support team for further assistance.