How to enable SSL in AR?

  1. Stop the SapphireIMSAR Service.

  2. Place the server.keystore file in AR installed Path/ReportingFiles/SSL Folder.

  3. Go to AR installed Path/ReportingFiles/CommonYaml and open the application.yml file in text editor.

  4. Search For zuul-apigateway,The following code can find.
    enabled: false
    key-alias: noalias
    key-password: nopassword
    key-store: SSL\server.keystore
    #key-store-type: PKCS12
    key-store-password: nopassword
    protocol: TLS
    trust-store-type: JKS
    #clientAuth: want

  5. Make true as value for enabled key. Provide values for key-alias, key-password and key-store-password fields.

  6. Save the application.yml file and start the SapphireIMSAR Service.

  7. Once service is up, access SapphireIMS portal and navigate to SD New UI-> Advanced Reports.

AR is not accessible through FQDN/DNS or self-signed certificate ; the following steps need follow to access AR.

  1. Since AR is SSL enabled, to accept SSL certificate error, need to access AR at least one time in browser and accept SSL error.
  2. Open new tab in browser and enter the following URL
    https://<HOSTNAME>:<AR Port>/default-publish
  3. Accept SSL certificate error.
  4. Go to SapphireIMS → New UI-> click on Advance Reports → Custom Reports