Shall I trust SapphireIMS as secure application?

SapphireIMS engineering team always takes security as important measure on every patch release. We do check all security measures such a VAPT scanning on every patch release, updating dependent components on regular basis to address any known security issues and we have set internal guidelines for developers to follow certain aspects related to security hence every code we produce is compliant to security guidelines. On regular basis, we do get assurance certificate from independent security testing companies.

Right from following security VAPT guidelines such as OWASP ( ), we take care to use secure libraries, making sure all the critical information are encrypted using AES 256 keys, storing authentication credentials using hashing techniques such as SHA 256 and we can integrate with CyberArk as well. We have option to use desktop SSO and web SSO for single sign-on.

We even take care to host certain SapphireIMS components behind firewall to protect from internet and hosting application with HTTPS (TLS). Apart from this, we suggest customers to use system hardening restricting machine access, enabling required ports alone, keeping web application firewall on internet facing network to have additional layer of protection, we even advice to do VAPT scan on SapphireIMS with their own tools to get the confidence.

With all these measures,SapphireIMS application is secure for enterprise use.