What are the supported SLA Time duration in SapphireIMS?

SapphireIMS supports three type of SLA duration,
a. Fixed Interval: A fixed value has to be provided and on expiry of the interval, the SLA for the record is considered violated. Please refer below mentioned help link for more details.
b. Relative Duration: In this option the Business Hours and Holidays are considered, and the interval is based on business days with the time of SLA violation being at the end of the business day. In addition, a cut off time can be specified for record submission and the interval can be different for records submitted before and after the cut-off time. Refer the section Specifying Relative Duration in the below mentioned help link.
c. Additional Field (Dynamic): This option provides for defining an additional field (of date type) and using that for computing the SLA violation. Once the date/time is reached, then the SLA is considered violated. Please refer below help link for more details.

The help link is SLA for more details.