Does Sapphire provide an option to customize the Record Submission page based on the Roles?

As part of the service desk record submission, various parameters for fixed fields can be defined. The fields configured are for a particular role in a particular project.

The parameters that can be configured for the fixed fields are ‘Visibility’, ‘Child Visibility’, ‘Read only’, ‘Child Readonly’, ‘Display Name’ and ‘Is Mandatory’

As per the project needs, the system administrator can check the inputs (Yes/No) for the parameters specified.


  1. Configured fixed fields are reflected while submitting a new service desk record.
  2. Configured fixed fields are reflected while editing the service desk record only if the user editing the service desk record is the submitter himself.
  3. Users label as well as labels for Update, Submit and Cancel buttons are configurable
  4. For roles other than ‘Default Role Permission’, click the ‘Copy Default Privilege’ button to copy the default privileges to the role selected. Please refer help link Fixed Fields Configuration for the configuration.