SapphireIMS ships NetSNMP walk command line tool to get the walk. Please follow below steps to take the SNMP walk of the device –,
For SNMP V1/V2C,
a. Open the command prompt in SapphireIMS server
b. Navigate to the \consolemanagement\bin
c. Execute "snmpwalk.exe -On -Oe -OU -[v1/v2c] -c [read community string] [IPAddress/Hostname] .1.3.6 -t [timeout default 5] -r [retries default 0] > ‘absolute path of the file’ "
Where -On : print OIDs numerically.
Sample: . = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63
-Oe : print enums numerically.
Sample: $ snmpget -c public -v 1 localhost ipForwarding.0
IP-MIB::ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: forwarding(1)
$ snmpget -c public -v 1 -Oe localhost ipForwarding.0
IP-MIB::ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: 1
-OU : Don’t print the UNITS suffix at the end of the value.
Example of the walk:
snmpwalk.exe -On -Oe -OU -v2c -c public .1.3.6 -t 5 -r 0 > c:\
d. During a situation where you get the “Error: OID not increasing” while taking the snmp walk following command to be used.
snmpwalk.exe -On -Oe -OU -v2c -Cc -c [read community string] [IPAddress/Hostname] .1.3.6 --t [timeout default 5] -r [retries default 0] > ‘absolute path of the file’
For SNMP V3,
a. Open the command prompt in SapphireIMS server
b. Navigate to the \consolemanagement\bin
c. If both authorization and privacy are required:
snmpwalk.exe -On -Oe -OU -v3 -u [username] -l authpriv -a [MD5/SHA] -A [MD5/SHA passphrase] -x [AES/DES] -X [AES/DES passphrase] [IPAddress/Hostname] .1.3.6 -t [timeout default 5] -r [retries default 0] > ‘absolute path of the file’
d. If no privacy required, then
snmpwalk.exe -On -Oe -OU -v3 -u -l authnopriv -a [MD5/SHA] -A [MD5/SHA passphrase] [IPAddress/Hostname] .1.3.6 -t [timeout default 5] -r [retries default 0] > ‘absolute path of the file’
e. If no authorization and no privay is needed then,
snmpwalk.exe -On -Oe -OU -v3 -u [username] -l noAuthNoPriv [PAddress/Hostname] .1.3.6 -t [timeout default 5] -r [retries default 0] > ‘absolute path of the file’
f. During a situation where you get the “Error: OID not increasing” while taking the SNMP walk following command to be used.
For example when both authorization and privacy is needed -
snmpwalk.exe -On -Oe -OU -v3 -Cc -u [username] -l authpriv -a [MD5/SHA] -A [MD5/SHA passphrase] -x [AES/DES] -X [AES/DES passphrase] [IPAddress/Hostname] .1.3.6 -t [timeout default 5] -r [retries default 0] > ‘absolute path of the file’